Insert Witty Quote from Michael Scofield here…

May 17, 2011 § Leave a comment

When prison break first came to air in 2005, it provided something different in terms of tv series. It was about this guy Michael Schofield who convinced that his serving time on death row was innocent that he decided he would deliberately commit a crime and go to prison where he would come up with a plan to get his brother out.

When he gets to prison, he realises he can’t do this on his own. One way or another, the inmates involved in the planning of the break kept increasing until they were about 8. On the last episode of season 1, the prisoners finally break out with the help of the prison doctor (who also happened to be michael’s love interest and the governor’s daughter).

In season 2, the prisoners are on the run from so many people who want to kill them especially an FBI agent who is very similar to schofield. I liked season 1 a lot. I also liked some of season 2 but there was a point in season 2 where I thought there were one too many heart stopping suspense filled moments. All of a sudden, I dint care if the prisoners were caught. At times, I wanted them to be caught. At the end of season 2, the prisoners end up in panama and they find themselves in yet another prison.

Season 3 sees them try to break out of panama’s notorious sona prison. I think the idea behind this was to get back to the main concept behind the show. ie, breaking out of prison. Season 3 had some good moments but the suspense want as gripping as it was in season 1. At this point, it was also clear that the show was never going to be as it was.

They break out of sona in season 3 and there is more running from killers. In season 4, Michael and his team are recruited by homeland security to find something known as scylla. Que more suspense. We find out that michael has a life threatening illness but he tries to play it down. We also learn that michael’s mum is not dead as we all thought. I stopped following what was going on because I got bored. When I think of prison break, I’ll always think of the first season cos in my opinion, it was legendary

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